The guardians are requested to note that the Monthly School Fees for the academic session, 2023 with effect from 1st Jan, 2023 are as follows:
Fee Head | Nalanda Kidz (Toddler & Pre-nursery) | Nursery I-II | Class I-IV | Class V-IX | Class X |
Monthly Fees | INR 8400 (Quaterly) | INR 3300 | INR 3400 | INR 4000 | INR 4200 |
Please note that the aforesaid amount is inclusive to Tuition, Session and Examination fees only with effect from 1st January, 2023.
- ECS/NACH mode of payment is MANDATORY to all (Toddler to Class-X) students with effect from 1st January, 2023.
- Two months fees may be collected at a time only on summer, Puja and winter vacation with prior intimation (from Nursery-I to Class-X).
- Part payment of fees is not accepted.
- Those, using school conveyance, must pay the conveyance fee along with the monthly fee only through ECS/NACH.
- Progress Report and promotion are liable to be held up unless all fees are paid upto date. Names of defaulters for 3 consecutive months are struck off the rolls without notice.
- ECS/NACH bouncing/failure charge for insufficient fund will be Rs. 700/- per transaction to be paid by the guardians.
- Late fine @ Rs. 200/- per month shall be applicable if any guardian fails to make payment of the school fees within 15th of each month.
- Admission fee and all other fees paid by a new student, taking fresh admission, are not refundable if the student voluntarily withdraws his/her name from the rolls, even before the commencement of the session.
- Students desirous of taking transfer after 2022 session will have to deposit their application for Transfer Certificate, along with the TC fee of Rs. 500/- by 18th January, 2023. Those applying for TC after 18th January ’23 will have to pay all the fees (Jan-Dec 2023) along with the TC fee.
- Our school office open daily from 10 AM to 2 PM (Except Holidays).
We solicit your kind cooperation.
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